Ever wonder what goes on inside the dojo? Leave the ninja stereotypes at the door. Here are three ways our ninjas set themselves apart from the rest of the creative design agencies.
1. They’re Trained In The Art of Video
Millions of users watch videos online each day. Yes, some of them are just watching cats jumping off of things, but a significant amount are watching videos related to a service or product. Ninjas are trained to see beyond the lens and create videos that entertain, inspire, and delight.
Here are some ideas from the dojo on how to implement video into your marketing strategy:
• Video is one of the easiest ways to share complex ideas in a simple form. You can use video to share a big announcement or to promote a new product by making it come to life in the eyes of your customers.
• Strengthen your team by creating training videos that are powerful and engaging to watch.
• Craft a custom video will inspire and entertain customers within your unique brand. Embed video in your next email campaign, or use it to share customer reviews and testimonials on your site.
2. They’re Experts in Presentation Storytelling
Believe it or not, ninjas are renowned storytellers. Overheard in the dojo the other day, a ninja was explaining how Steve Jobs once took two days to plan a presentation. We think we can help our clients present with less ramp up than Steve. With a little help from our PowerPoint ninjas we can make your story come to life.
Here’s 10 ninja PowerPoint presentation tips:
[slideshare id=24953141&doc=cndosanddontsofpresentations-130805155335-phpapp01]
3. They’re Masters of Sales Fu
The most powerful ninjas have ditched the nunchucks and are now the masters of an even more advanced weapon: a flexible mobile app.
57% of clients feel that sales reps are only poorly prepared or not prepared at all at initial meetings.
Most sales professionals don’t have the ability to improve their sales approach due to disorganized sales collateral, lack of proper analytics, and selling in a random fashion. The solution? Meet Sales Fu.
Sales Fu is a powerful mobile app that offers sales teams the ability to deliver knowledge and insights needed to strengthen conversation with prospects. With Sales Fu, you can:
• View all sales collateral in seconds on all desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.
• Measure real-time sales analytics.
• Send prospects targeted content with a click of a button.
• Transfer new prospects instantly to CRM.
IMPRESS YOUR CUSTOMERS…By taking advantage of full customizable branding of the app for a sales call, meeting, or even a trade show!
Sales-fu … love it haha