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Don’t panic.

Gmail recently carried out a new feature that categorizes your inbox by primary, social, and promotions. Many of your business emails and newsletter could be landing in the promotions box rather than in primary causing Gmail users to accidentally ignore what’s being segmented into promotions.

Even though the promotions tab indicates that you have new emails within that category, it might take time for Gmail users to make a habit of checking it. Especially since your emails are beyond awesome, many of your readers may not consider them “promotions”, but unfortunately Gmail does.

What should you do?


1. Send a friendly email to your subscribers letting them know about the changes. There’s nothing wrong or “spam-ish” about keeping your readers in the loop.

Here’s a great example I recently received:


Note: Make sure to express the concern for them, not about you.


2. Impress your audience and give them 2 options

  • Configure inbox
    • Through Gmail’s personal settings, a reader can click on “configure inbox” and uncheck all inboxes except primary reversing the new configurations to the old.
  • Move your emails to primary
    • If they fell in love with the new configurations, but are not happy with where your emails are showing up. They can simple click on your latest email from the promotions tab and drag it to primary, then click yes to ensure all future emails will land in that inbox.

Now watch your email open rates skyrocket!

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