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Choosing the right social media platform for your business is difficult. I can’t tell you how many B2B marketers I’ve met who give up on social media entirely because they didn’t see a high amount of engagement on Facebook. It might be because their target audience isn’t hanging out on Facebook. Ta-da! Problem solved. These types of issues arise all the time. If you dig a little deeper into the minds of your target audience, you’ll be able to improve your social media strategy.

Only you can choose which social media platforms are right for your business, but we can guide you towards the right direction. Below is a simple social media infographic illustrating which social media platforms are right for your business.

social media infographics


Taking a closer look into the latest statistics – just like what we did to design this social media infographic – is a great place to start when deciding on how to manage your first social media strategy. Be sure you understand where your target audience is the most active. Since there’s so many different social media platforms now, many businesses think it’s necessary to be active on all of them. The problem is, a social media strategy that consists of trying to be active on all social media sites ends up spreading itself too thin. So choose wisely.

Which platform seems the best for your business? It is better to commit to one or two than spreading you and your team across many. Not only will you see better results, you’ll be able to learn the nuances of effective communication on each platform.


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