48 Winning PowerPoint Samples
What makes a winning powerpoint? Can theme design alone elevate content to a “win”?
Our designers had these questions in mind when we curated this post on 48 winning powerpoint samples, and the larger series. Effective presentations blend creative content with idea, but at what ratio? What if we looked at the most popular presentations the world had ever seen (borrowed from SlideShare data) to learn?
From looking at the below, it would seem that design plays an even greater role than we originally believed, as the winning powerpoint theme design samples are both inspirational and entertaining. Even when the content isn’t that enlightening, a creative theme can drive action!
Series Part 1: 40 Creative Presentation Examples and Theme Ideas
Series Part 2: 44 Good PowerPoint Presentations
Animated Motion Graphic Illustration Style
Social Media Brand Focused
Visual Collection with Magazine Style Design
New Yorker Sketch Style
Stark Iconography & Copy
New York Times Bestseller Styling
Representing Data via Illustration
Napkin Sketch Themed
Single Background with Design-led Copy
Professional Workshop Creative Focused
Futuristic Image Driven
Microsoft Paint Cartoon Style
Classic Business Blue with Font Focus
Powerful Impossible Imagery
Playing to Fear
Flat Design Presentation
Design Elements Framing Presenter
Illustration Applied Over Photography
Object Detail Focused
Metaphor Representation Through Photography
Retro Futurism Design Presentation
Illustrated Map
Data Driven Example
Thought Leader Brand Focused
Simple Retro Classic
Image and Font Conflict
Caveman Style
Animal Silhouettes
Vector Geometric Illustration
Stamp Effect
Classic Advertising Focused
Stylized People Iconography
Harvard Business Review Cartoons
Unforgettable Photography
Centered Copy
50/50 Layout with Reserved Typography
Illustrated Inspirational Stories
Sketch Fonts and Illustrations
Classic Artist Theme
Hidden Smiley Face
Overlapped Illustrations
Vacation Inspired
Desk Design
Classic Photography Focused
White Copy on Black Background
Business Success via Visual Metaphor
Typesetter Analogy Theme
Clean Business Quiz Format
Bonus #49: Sketchnotes
Bonus #50: Comic Book Cartoon Presentation Creative
Bonus #51: Guide Book Aesthetic
Bonus #52: Positive Imagery with Short Copy
Bonus #53: Pop Culture Visual Extravaganza!
Which PowerPoint Theme Design is Your Winner?
The best part of any creative endeavor is that we all have unique preferences. Depending on your audience and style, winning presentations are the ones that most effectively achieve your goals.
Across our series we’ve been collecting data about each of the presentations above, both in terms of design, content, usages, and presentation method. In the coming weeks we’ll share an analysis of the factors of a compelling presentation, and how to translate even ugly presentations into successes.
We hope our winning powerpoint samples help inspire new ways of thinking! If you need a presentation design agency to make that happen, be in touch and we’d love to help bring your vision to life.
Looking for more presentation inspiration?
Series Part 1: 40 Creative Presentation Examples and Theme Ideas
Series Part 2: 44 Good PowerPoint Presentations