Coming up with the next big idea isn’t always easy. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find what really inspires you. Big ideas come from the oddest places. Just take the invention of the Swiffer, for example. Did you know a design agency helped come up with the idea from watching a lady clean coffee grinds off the floor with a damp paper towel? Oh you haven’t? Read here!
Here are some more inspiring articles and designs to jump-start a creative weekend:
6 inspiring articles on how to push through the creative blocks, plus a free desktop wallpaper.
The new Instagram logo created by Mackey Saturday.
[Infographic] The ultimate guide to creative PowerPoint design.16 retro and vintage inspired web designs.
Learn something new today by taking a free web design course!
A tumblr devoted to alternating famous movie posters into films about food.
10 points to consider when redesigning a website.
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About the Author: Shannon Callarman is the Inbound Marketing Manager at Cubicle Ninjas. She’s the tiny ninja behind the CN Twitter. You can also follow her on Google+
[Image Source: Download desktop wallpaper here]